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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What's it about?

It is not about revenge. It is not about vengeance. It is not about defaming or slandering anyone.

It is about exposure. I am exposing myself. I am letting my dirty laundry out. Get rid of the stink and the stench. It is about getting the light on the mold and grime of guilt and shame. It's about uncovering and washing out lies and deceit. It is about airing out hidden fears and insecurities.

Consider this - when true laundry is left to sit on the floor, in the closet or in the hamper, unattended and undone, what will happen? A foul order begins to simmer in the air. Sweaty socks begin to mold. Mildew grows to harden powder creating the unrecognizable. Jeans corrode. Shirts unidentifiable stenches. Let's not mention what bras, panties and underwear become.

Okay, so few of us would know what truly happens to laundry left unwashed and unaired. All the same, if our emotional, mental and spiritual laundry is left to rot in the mires of darkness you get my meaning.

Our thoughts and perspectives sour. Our vision jades. Our realities became immersed in mental molds, mildews and harden into something unbelievable. Our beings corrode. Our spirits are foul and bleed out into the atmosphere of our existence. Let's mention the bras, panties and underwear in this for instance. The intimacies of us, of our beings, our core elements. Let's get personal.

Our emotional undies, they really need to be exposed to the air and the light. You know how it is when your four year old repeats their underwear a couple of days, right? Little ripe huh? Well folks, when we don't get that deep secret mess of underwear in our mental closets out for a good washing, we are doing no differently. The rest of your wash may be fresh yet the stinky drawers are seeping through.

We need all of our dirty laundry on the table, on the line and in the wash to get better.

That's what this is about. It's about getting real. Value ourselves enough. Learn to trust ourselves enough. Get the dirty laundry out of hiding. Putting my laundry out has made a lot of room for growth. I've seen the nastiness turn into beauty. I've seen big issues appear in the light as small matters. I've seen people hate me for who I am and survived in tact and feel liberated. For they no longer are loving me for who I am not.

That's what it's about!!

1 comment:

Connie Barris said...

great way to look at it..

have you read Max Lucado's Give It All To Him...

it's about carrying our trash to our Lord...to Jesus... awesome book.. it's a lot like what you have just said....


I'm just out lurking.. thanks for letting me drop in


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